Saturday, 12 September 2015

The first time you meet a new class...

.... Can be one of the most scariest experiences of a teachers life...

Unless of course you actually take an interest in them as individuals and use the time to find out what they enjoy about your subject and what they hate! 

When I first met my middle set of Year 10s on Friday morning I needed to do something different and so started off by asking them to write down two things that were true about themselves and two things that were a lie. Or if you prefer: fact or fiction?

A good idea? Well... You'd think until one of my students pointed out that the three examples I'd put on the board about myself (to demonstrate what I meant) where all actually true. 

Damn it I thought to myself as I quietly joked with said student. How on earth did they guess their teacher was a former journalist, is pregnant and allergic to melon?! 

Anyhow like a consummate professional I carried on and actually thought it was quite an enlightening exercise. I found out that one had visited Brazil six times in the same year, another can only read off yellow paper and judging by the smile on each of their faces - all appreciated the fact that I had actually taken the time and effort to find out about them. 

The next task worked just as well. What makes English enjoyable. Here is what they came up with.... 

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