Saturday, 20 August 2016

The importance of treasuring every minute

So here we are. Six months in. And what a whirlwind it has been. 

When I started writing this blog I planned to document every step of my pregnancy and then thought I would do the same after the birth. But no.
 Something happened. 
 Life happened.
 A new life.
 A life myself and the love of my life had created. Thomas was here. 

The baby I'd wanted for years was finally here. I was elated. Overjoyed. And then it became more and more important to treasure every moment with him. In the actual moment rather than blogging and writing about it as it happened. I made the conscious decision to enjoy each day and each moment by living in the lovely moment and then to maybe.. Just maybe.. document all my memories at a later date which is what I'm going to do. 

So dear reader, keep an eye out for my future posts which will cover everything from the labour, pre eclampsia, dehydration, sleepless nights, not so sleepless nights and a lot more besides. 

But in the meantime, for all my fellow mummies out there (who I'm sure I can relate to this), I'm just going to spend today, Saturday the 20th of August 2016. the six month of my first baby boy's life just treasuring it. And him, As we drive down to Essex to see the in laws and maybe (ok it's going to happen) slightly reminisce about the fact that this time six months and a day ago. 

He wasn't here.